Death Will Certainly Catch Up


The heart of whoever is drowned in the pleasures of this world and its attractions is distracted from remembering death — and if someone mentions death to him, he hates it and runs away from it. As regards such people,         Allah says:
Say: ‘Death from which you are fleeing will certainly catch up with you. Then you will be returned to the Knower of the Unseen and the Visible and He will inform you about what you did.’ – Quran [62:8]

The Soul Cries Over This World While Happiness Is In Leaving It

النفسُ تبكي على الدنيا وقد علمت
The Soul Cries over this world and yet acknowledges,
أن السعادة فيها ترك ما فيــها
that the happiness within it is to abandon what is within it.
لا دارٌ للمرءِ بعد الموت يسكُنها
There is no house for the individual to live in after death,
إلا التي كانَ قبـل الموتِ بانيـها
except for the one that he built before his death.
فإن بناها بخير طاب مسكنُه
And if he built it with goodness, pleasing his settlement will become,
وإن بناها بشر خـــــــاب بانيـــها
And if he built it with evil, dissapointed its builder will be.
أموالنا لذوي الميراث نجمعُها
Our money for our heirs we collect it,
ودورنا لخراب الدهـــر نبنـيــها
and our homes for the corruption of time we build it.
أين الملوك التي كانت مسلطنةً
Where are the kings that were proudly dictating?
حتى سقاها بكأس الموت ساقيــــها
Till the pourer of death poured death upon them.
فكم مدائنٍ في الآفاق قد بنيت
And how many cities were built upon the horizon?
أمست خرابا وأفنى الموتُ أهليـــها
Which eventually became devastated while its citizens tasted death.
لا تركِنَنَّ إلى الدنيا وما فيها
Don’t submit to this world and what’s within it,
فالموت لا شـــك يُفنينا ويُفنيــها
for surely, without a doubt, death will end us and end it
لكل نفس وان كانت على وجلٍ
For every soul, even if it was powerful,
من المَنِيَّةِ آمــــــالٌ تقويـــــــها
had hopes that were overcome by death.
المرء يبسطها والدهر يقبضُها
The individual entertains it [the soul] while time kills it,
والنفس تنشرها والموت يطويـــــها
And the individual opens it, while death puts an end to it.
إنما المكارم أخلاقٌ مطهرةٌ
Surely the perfection of morals is pure,
الدين أولها والعقـــــــل ثانيـــها
Religion is its first, intellect is its second,
والعلم ثالثها والحلم رابعها
And knowledge is its third, and tolerance is its fourth,
والجود خامسها والفضل سادســــها
And generous is its fifth, and graciousness is its sixth,
والبر سابعها والشكر ثامنها
And activity serving the people is its seventh, and thankfulness is its eighth,
والصبر تاسعها واللين باقيـــــها
And patience is its ninth, and gentleness is its preserver,
والنفس تعلم أنى لا أصادقها
And the Soul knows that I do not befriend it,
ولست ارشدُ إلا حين اعصيـــــــــــها
And I won’t take the wise step to disobey it,
واعمل لدار ٍغداً رضوانُ خازنها
And I work for tomorrow [Hereafter] to the satisfaction of its ower,
والجار احمد والرحمن ناشيـــــها
And the neighbour is Ahmed [saaw] [in heaven] and the Merciful [SWT] is its Creator.
قصورها ذهب والمسك طينتها
Its palaces are golden, and its heavenly perfume is its mud,
والزعفران حشيشٌ نابتٌ فيــــــــــها
And the saffron is its lushed grasses, graffitied upon it.
أنهارها لبنٌ محضٌ ومن عسل
Its rivers are yoghurt, purified and of honey,
والخمر يجري رحيقاً في مجاريـــــــها
And heavenly wine flows, of sweet nectar, in its canals.
والطير تجري على الأغصان عاكفةً
And the birds fly between their branches,
تسبحُ الله جهراً في مغانيـــــــها
praising Allah [SWT] loudly in their songs
من يشتري الدار في الفردوس يعمرها
And whoever wants to own a home here he should build it,
بركعةٍ في ظلام الليل يحييـها
with a sincere prayer in the darkness of the night.
Ali Bin Abi Talib [R.A]
Photographer; Ahermin

The Delights Of The World Will Not Attract Him

By Fahim Akhter
In the hadith concerning the saving of Musa reported by Wahd, which is recorded by Imam Ahmad in az-Zuhd, Allah says:
Indeed I drive away My friends from the delights of this world and its opulence and comfort just as the compassionate shepherd drives away his camel from the dangerous grazing lands. And indeed I make them avoid its tranquility and livelihood, just as the compassionate shepherd makes his camel to avoid the resting-places wherein it would be easy prey. This is not because I consider them to be insignificant, but so that they may complete their portion of My Kindness in safety and abundance, the delights of the world will not attract him and neither would desires overcome him.
Photographer; Fahim Akhter

The Life Of This World Was More Insignificant To Them Than Dust

Photographed by Yousry Aref

Al-Hasan Al-Basri said;
I have known people and kept company with groups who neither rejoiced when the things of this world came to them, nor grieved when they lost anything in this world. The life of this world was more insignificant to them than dust. One of them might live for a year or for sixty years without ever having a garment that would entirely cover him, and without ever having anything that would come between him and the ground, and without ever having any food that he could ask to be prepared for him in his own home. When night came, they would be on their feet, with their foreheads flat against the earth, tears rolling down their cheeks, secretly calling on Allah to save them on the Day of Judgement. If they did something good, they never stopped being grateful for it, and were always asking Allah to accept it. If they did something bad, they would be saddened by it, and would keep on asking Allah to forgive them for it. By Allah, they were not safe from wrong actions, and were saved only by their constant turning in repentance. May Allah be pleased with them and grant them His mercy.
Photographer; Yousry Aref

The Essence Of Living Simply

Image by Hadi Al-Tammam
Al-Fudayl said: “‘The essence of living simply is being content with Allah, Mighty and Exalted is He.’;’The one who is content is the one who lives simply, and it is he who is rich. The one who has attained real faith, who trusts in Allah in all his affairs, and is content with what He provides for him, and remains unattached to the creation, out of fear and hope, and by so doing finds that pursuing worldly gains is not worthwhile; has attained the benefits of simplicity. He is the richest of people, even though he may not possess a thing in the world.’
Photographer; Hadi Al-Tammam

The Ten Seals

A’isha (رضي الله عنها) narrated that the Prophet (صل الله عليه وسلم) said,
“When Allah wants to allow the people of Paradise to enter Paradise, He sends them an angel with a gift of clothes from Paradise. When they’re about to enter Paradise, the angel says to them, Wait, I have a gift with me from the Lord of the Worlds.’ They will say, ‘What is the gift?’ The angel will say, ‘It is ten seals – on the first one is written ‘Peace be upon you! You were good, so enter [the Garden of delight], to dwell therein’; on the second [seal] it is written, ‘Your sadness and anxieties have been removed;’ written on the third is, ‘And this is the garden which you are given as an inheritance on account of what you did’; written on the fourth is, ‘We have given you ornaments and beautiful clothes to wear’; written on the fifth is, ‘We shall wed them with Houris with wide, lovely eyes,’ and ‘I have rewarded them this day because they were patient, that they are the triumphant’; written on the sixth is, ‘This is your reward today for the acts of obedience you were engaged in’; on the seventh is, ‘You have been returned to your youth and you will never become aged’; on the eighth is, ‘You are in perpetual security and need never be frightened;’ on the ninth is, ‘You will be in the company of the prophets, truthful ones, martyrs, and righteous ones’; written on the tenth is, ‘You will reside beside the All ­Merciful who Possesses the Great Throne.The angels will then sayEnter it in peace and security.’ They will thus enter paradise and say,Praise is due to Allah the One who removed our anxieties, surely our Lord is Most Forgiving and Grateful.’ ‘Praise is due to Allah the One who was true to His Promise and gave us the inheritance of this earth… thus is the reward of those who work.
And when Allah wishes to throw the People of hell into the Fire, he sends them an angel who has ten seals. On the first one is written, Enter it, never will you die, be brought to life, or ever brought out of it’; on the second is written, ‘Linger in punishment, never will there be any repose for you’; on the third is written, ‘They have despaired of My mercy’; on the fourth is written, ‘Enter it, into perpetual distress, anxiety, and sorrow’; on the fifth is written, ‘Your clothes will be fire, your food will be from an extremely bitter and thorny tree that grows at the bottom of the Hell fire (zaqqum), your drink will be boiling fluids, and your bed and covering will be the Fire’; on the sixth is written, ‘This is your recompense today for disobeying me;’ on the seventh is written, ‘My anger will be with you in the Fire forever;’ on the eight is written, ‘You are cursed for the major sins you intentionally committed, for which you never repented nor had any regret’; on the ninth is written, ‘Your eternal friends in the Fire will be the devils’; and on the tenth is written, ‘You followed [the path of] Satan, desired the dunya and neglected the Hereafter, thus this is your recompense.’”

The One Who Wakes Up In The Morning

It has been reported that the Prophet (salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said, “The one who wakes up in the morning and complains about the scarcity of livelihood, it is as though he is complaining against his Lord. The one who wakes up and is sad over the affairs of the dunya, it is as though he has woken up angry with Allah, and the one who humbles himself in front of a rich man because of his wealth will have lost two-­thirds of his Religion.”
Photographer: DoWhoRanZone

Eighty Chests Full Of Scriptures And Books

It has been narrated that a man from Bani Isra’il collected eighty chests full of scriptures and books of knowledge but did not benefit from his knowledge. Allah the Exalted revealed to their prophet to say to this collector, “Even if you had collected a lot of knowledge it will not benefit you except if you do three things – do not love the dunya for it is not a home for the believers, do not befriend Satan for he is not a companion for the believers; and do not hurt anyone for that is not the way of the believers.